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 100 New Top Programs

of Katherina Miner

"Ewa Wiedergeburt"

Intellectual Property Rights

June, 22, 2004



  A new Time understanding.

For our smart


13 months, 28 days/a month, 52 weeks/a year

100 minutes,

100 seconds






Spectrum Moon and Sun Calendar



State Life Program

"Defence of Castles and Palaces"

 Who help us

New Germany



District (Kreis) : Ludwigsburg
Additions : Hofen, Hohenstein
State :






State : Baden-Württemberg

District (Kreis) : Heilbronn (until 1973 Sinsheim)

Incorporated into : Eppingen


 Algeria, Azerbaijan, Comoros,

Cyprus (not Southern!), Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Pakistan, Singapore,

South Carolina*, Tunisia, Turkey,

 Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan...






Who  will try to help us later 


Confederate (USA Historic)**, SwitzerlandVatican City,



  Who helped us more than you think

Nicolaus Copernicus      Claudius Ptolemy




as well as






 Life Programs "CENTAURI - One"

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation becomes the United Nations Organization

One-time click, two-time click, three-time click...


 0. "Save militaries  and their nations from impotentia!"

- To save GenoFunds of all impotent militarian politicians?

- Yes!

- Everywhere?

- Yes!


after Balkanian, ..., Iraq-Iranian, Israelian, Iraqian, Caucasian... Wars?

- How?!

- At first to be stopped! Immediately!

 COSMOS Programs "CENTAURI - Two"




Process of natural air purification



Program "Alexander von Humboldt - Gehen mit Osten nach Osten: Tic-Tac Program"


 Disactivation of radioactive wastes by biological

means!!!  Urgently!!! In the German Autonomic Republic, Volga River area, Russia, in Western, Central and Eastern Kazakhstan ...


  Recultivation of all vagrant radioactive lands and soils. Life Programs "Field Flowers", "Sarepta - Barbarea (=Surepka)", "Kohl", "TannenBaum", "Petridis", "Split Peas", "Tomato Plan", "Potato", "Apple Trees", "Zeolytes", etc.  ..."Young Columbians", "Elder peacemakers"...


Boot RecuitAsion. Special  proposals from the German Embassy in Almaty, KZ







 Blank Page Alliance






 "Marie Kuren" Program: FranzenBad, Czech R.




together with the Star Alliance Bank System


 I. "Ionizators and Dust-Absorbers! Everywhere?!"



 Lamps of L.Chizhevskiy



Process of artificial air purification:




 II. "Fish and Fishmen Political and Economical Games"


 Our New Way of Reflection



Program "Find and Save".

  • Ethnographical Program: "Find and save dying German Nations and Dialects in Russian villages" together with "Wiedergeburt" Societies, Goethe Institutes, German Embassies, Germans Banks and the Bank Holy Alliances.

  • Ethnographical Expeditions to S and E Russia, C, N and E Kazakhstan, S Ukraine)

as well as

  • Ethnographical Examinations of your neighbours before your calls to Police Offices



 Blank page of the Bank Alliance





Religion subject in schools: History, Genealogy, Geography, Ethnography.

Four in One




Blank page Bank Alliance









 1. Weiss Telescope "Tais-Orphan"

Intellectual Property Rights

June, 22, 2004





  2. Radioecholocated Dynamic Antenna "Sombrero"

Intellectual Property Rights

June, 22, 2004




"Which hat is cheaper?" 




 3. Crystallographic model (Matrix Revolution) "Siberian Kitten"

Intellectual Property Rights

June, 22, 2004





 4. Electric Moscow star bulb "Crystal"

Intellectual Property Rights

June, 22, 2004





 A new Periodical Chart of Chemical Elements

Intellectual Property Rights

June, 22, 2003



Ask those who have been guilty...


 A new Atlas of Blue Sky Officer "CottonStar"




Ask those who have been guilty...



IV. Global Synchronization of Systems and Events.

 Windows Synchronization Program

The Space and Time Program for our Children and their smart parents




Unified Decimetric System of Measurements for all kind of clocks, on one hand, and digital cams, scanners, computers, etc., on the other hand.  




Unification of Decimetric System of Measurements for space and time units (UT). Measurements in degrees, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.



Anti (EinStein + Copernicus) Program





 You forgot about MY not Celvine but CELSIUS-NOW MOBILE TEMPERATURE, MASS and ALL MY POTENTIALS!!!and about your Sonday MeSS !!!

Imagination on canalyzated distribution of Cosmic informational Rays. Existence of united powerful LINEAR signal Conduits, or radiosignals (Channels).




Ask for details Tais-Orphan


 V. "Electrification of New Mentalitators from "Potyomkin Villages"


 "Hot Water and facilities in each house for 0,000000000... cents"

Boot RecuitAsion Program.

Special  proposals from the German Embassy in Almaty, KZ






 VI. Fahren nach Russland mit DBs






"Fahren nach Russland"

 Logo - Die Bahn

"Go East to German Autonomic Republics"



Logo - Die Bahn



A complete replacement of old Russian train equipment by double-decked trains and locomotives






Ask for details


 "FahrPlan" Programs


Ask for details


"Fahren nach Russland"

 Steamy double-decked buses



Ask for details



"Fahren nach Russland"

 Logo - Die Bahn

"Go East to the Black Sea Coast: new rails - new trains"




Logo - Die Bahn


Ask for details

 "Fahren nach Russland"

Geodetic explorational programs' packet



Ask for details


 "Fahren nach Russland"

Deep UnderWater Drilling programs' packet

"HelenJig, or HydroGene-4"

Ask for details



"Fahren nach Russland"

Cultural Tours of musicians, ballet-dancers, artists, movie showwomen... with days of culture (exibitions,  performances, movie-show, meetings, presentations, etc.)

 Free donations of the Public




 Genealogical Bridge Program From West to East

Our Names: Ferdinand-Friedrich-Fedot-Fyodor,

Carlo-Charles-Karl (Charlotta, Scharlotta, Karlotta) -Carol-Karel,

Jan (Janna, Zhanna, Jadviga)-John-Ion-Iohann-Ioann-Ivan, Mars-Max-Maximilian-Maxim...




 VII. Medicine for People not for Physicians


 An Old/New Underwater Game "Der 100... Ewa Geburtstag". Children's Birth under Water, with herbs. Consultations, instructions



Ask for details Tais-Orphan




Medicine !!!



The Hyppocratus Oath of Physicians






AntiSmoking Program for drivers and tourists

"Saint Stephan"





AntiDrug Adult Educational Program  

"Nicht alles von Natur".

Consequences of drug usage.





   Special Adult Educational Medical Movie/Lectural Program for adults (!): "You and your body. CANCER: Prophylactic Measures"





 A special gynaecological breathe gymnastic Program: "Trionyx"





Swimming Pools for babies (directly after their birth).

Fixation of swimming movements in new-borns





 A Special Medical Program "Ohne Aspirin? Warum nicht?", or "Home Doctor: You can do it"

 Reflexotherapy, ergotherapy, akupuncture and other old/new traditional oriental methods of diagnostics and treatment



 LaughoTherapy  for patients in Bürger Hospitals






 VIII. "Alle meine Entchen"



 The Plane Industry: Innovations





  Innovations and Initiatives on protection systems

from Benjamin Laden and Lufthansa AG


 Blank Book

  "Who taught you to fly?"



 New Innovations and Initiatives

from Benjamin Laden-Kortik and Lufthansa AG

"Space and Time Program. Synchronization of events"

 "Navigator systems: Innovations in aeronautics"

Intellectual Property Rights

June, 22, 2004



 "Who taught you to fly on old and primitive aircrafts?"



 VIII. Other Children Educational Programs



 1. Adult Life Program "How to help anybody who asks help"

or a New Understanding of Mass and Weight values





2. Adult Educational Program "How to calculate

 your income to get profit?

10 Degree Scale System (100 %) in schools:

"1" - minimum,

"10" - maximum.; in %





Stereometry and Stereographics - special subjects in schools





 3. Adult Projects "It is possible", "New Vision".

Scientific approach everywhere:

Children Program: "Let's do exchange with drivers' conditions"






4. Early Musical and Naturalistic Education of children ( since 1,5 years and earlier! )





5. International Children Educational Competitions "Princess of Mathematics", "Princess of Physics", "Princess of General Biology", "Princess of Zoology", "Princess of Botany and medicine",  "Princess of Chemistry", "Princess of Anatomy", "Princess of Geography", "Princess of Soils", "Princess of Astronomy", "Princess of History", "Princess of Literature", "Princess of Phylosophy", "Princess of Linguistics", etc. as well as "Misters".

Children Prize "Gold Owl", "Znayka"





6. Competition "New/Old Games: That is what you must know"



et cetera, et cetera, et cetera...

 7. Mobile Regional and International Children Exhibitions of drawings, pictures, toys "We draw flowers", "ß, òû, îí, îíà - âìåñòå äðóæíàÿ ñòðàíà", "Wir basteln alles selbe", "My grandgrandgrand...father was Mr. Adler", etc.

 Children Prize "Gold Hen"



8. Creation of new Museums and mobile exhibitions:


a. Museum of the Theatre and Theatral Costume


b. Museum of the Russian national Costume of XVII century


c. Museum of Genealogy of the European Humboldt Noble families

(Noble genealogical trees, portraits, etc. including portraits of Tsar's brides)





 9. Spring Festivals and Festivities "In Waltz time"

with living music






  9a. Musical/Breathe Lessons in schools "Magic Pipe"





 10. Musical projects: "Guess a classical melody", or "Who is this: Bach? Haydn? Mozart? Beethoven?  Hendel? Schuman? Schubert?..."





11. Regional and International Musical Projects "Allo! We look for talants", "Our little stars", "Children Musical Theatres",  etc.

Competitions, performances, shows, concerts

 Children Prizes "Gold PilGrimm", "Gold Dolphin", "Gold Christmas Father"





12. Regional and International Russian Ethnographical Musical Festivals

Admition Free





13. Regional and International Festivals of the best Russian Movies

Nominations: 1. Movies for Little ones, 2. TeenAgers' movies,

3. the best adult homesickness movies...

Admition Free





 14. International Children Sport competitions

Prizes "Maugli", "Tarzan", "Gold Bear", "Gold Apple"





 15. 8th of March - Girl's and Boy's International Day



 X. "Fish and Fishmen Games"



 Our way of thinking



"Transcontinental Water Flights to

densely populated areas."





"Bernstein Zimmer: Find and Save"


the GAS Noble Scientific Cruise


"Space and Time" Program

Transmission by inheritance from one of descendants of Friedrich W.  HohenZollern





XI. Restoration of the German Academy of Sciences in Russia founded by Ekatherina R. Vorontsova-Dashkova

(= Ekatherina Great)


 The German Academy of Sciences {The GAS}.

 Transmission by inheritance from one of descendants of Friedrich W.  HohenZollern






Medicine !!!


The Hyppocratus Oath








 Restoration of Fundamental Sciences and approaches





 Restoration of the German Culture





Restoration of the German History





Restoration of the German Phylosophy





Restoration of the German Traditional Industries



 Beer Industry "Sarepta"





 German Champagne Wine industry  





German Homeopathic Cosmetology





 German Ship and Yacht industry










Free Internet and Telephone connection.

Traffic Price 0,00$



 I will explain you @Who is who@

... later




Appendix !!!


Measures for the CIS, US, UK and other developing countries




Total EDUCATION and PSYCHOLOGICAL DISACTIVATION of the US & B and other Devices!

Total Biological DISINFECTION of Water, Air and Land: Total introduction of filter-absorbers, dust-absorbers and ionizators especially in children institutions, hospitals, childbirth houses, etc.

 Total Physiological disinfection the US & B and other Devices!





Principal Changes in work of Medical Institutions

Click here

The first medical aid and primary diagnostics of diseases  are free of charge

Introduction of advanced methods of oriental medicine and German homeopathy in combination with old/new techniques.





Prohibition of mass obligatory rentgenography, fluorography, etc. in anybody to get a job, a driving licence, for mass annual medical observations, in hospitals, etc. (for the CIS and other developing countries)

Click here




 Prohibition of mass obligatory blood collection in people, especially in pregnant women, children and old people, at the babys' birth, for military service, in anybody to get a job, driving licences, residence permission, any formalistic certificates, etc. (for the CIS and other developing countries)

Click here

as well as Ask for reasons and diagnostic methods the Lufthansa staff officers



All kinds of mass education (including medical confrences, symposia, workshops, etc.) in children gardens, schools,  institutions, etc.  are free of charge.




 All Internet connections and internal telephone calls are free of charge. Phone State Service.




Measures for the German-speaking countries

 You can do it too!



Principal Changes in work of Medical Institutions

Click here

The first medical aid and primary diagnostics of diseases  are free of charge

Total physiological disinfection and disactivation of nuclear isotopes

Introduction of advanced methods of oriental medicine and German homeopathy in combination with old/new techniques.

Total introduction of filter-absorbers, dust-absorbers and ionizators, especially in children institutions, hospitals, childbirthhouses, etc.




Prohibition of mass obligatory rentgenography, fluorography, etc. in anybody to get a job, a driving licence, for mass annual medical observations, in hospitals, etc. (for the CIS and other countries)

Click here




 Prohibition of mass obligatory blood collection in people, especially in pregnant women, children and old people, at the babys' birth, for military service, in anybody to get a job, driving licences, residence permission, any formalistic certificates, etc. (for everybody)

Click here



for reasons and diagnostic methods


All kinds of mass education (including medical one) for people (children gardens, schools,  institutions, etc.)  are free of charge




Educational Exhibitions, Museums, Parks, Zoo, etc. ( admission free )




Inclusion of educational Program in Children Gardens (use of expierence of the former socialistic countries, old Great Britain, etc. taking into account some special innovated methods of education).  Early educational work of children Institutions and Foundations ( since 1,5 years! ). Obligatory inclusion of elementary practical and experimental works in children institutions.







Change of educational programs in the elementary and secondary schools. Inclusion of natural scientific subjects (i.e. astronomy) in all school programs since 1st classes.

Obligatory inclusion of practical and experimantal works.







Fixed higher educational programs in institutes and universities . Obligatory inclusion of practical and experimantal works (experience of Moscow and Saint Petersburg institutes and universities).






Use of antiradiactive chest cuffs in computer classes, computer clubs. Computer Norms for children




A wide usage of educational short movies and cartoons (5-7 minutes) in schools and their inclusion of into Cinema repertoires in states, villages, etc.




 ArbeitsErlaubnis für alle nicht rauchenden Leute: A wide anti-smoking Company for strangers and their families

(Note: Arbeitsgebieter, Alexander von Humboldt und andere Institutionen in Deutschland und in andere Lände)




All Internet connections and internal telephone calls are free of charge.   State Phone Service!






Tendency to "Electricity is free of charge"



Space and Time Program. Unified Decimetric System of Measurements for space and time units (UT).

Measurements in degrees, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.



Decimetric Time System of Measurements in our daily life. New Time "Watch" Clocks




Educational Placards for Bus stations): series "Health/Gesundheit", "Science", etc.

Educational T-Shirts; packets, etc. with Emblemas




A flexible ticket's tarif system (weekly, monthly, annual abonements) since any day (experience with "Visit" tickets, etc. in Berlin, Paris, London and some other cities)



The cheepest DB WochenEnde ticket Saturday-Sonday



Please Ask me @Who is who@ and I will explain you ...

... later.




"At the bottom"






Momental ethical and financial compensation of govenmentals and payment of medical insurances and compensations to relatives of  people killed in auto- and aircatastrophies (accidents - Brut.), after humatistic observations of physicians and/or militarians in hospitals, army, service agencies, etc.


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