Кто мне навязывает строй и вздорное теченье мыслей?

Кто мне навязывает строй

И вздорное теченье мыслей?

Нет в них прогресса, сплошь застой –

Болото. Не ручей искристый


Столетьем правит, строит мир,

Что в конъюнктурной паутине

Пытает внушить, что мил,

Плодя разруху и пустыни.


23 июля 2008г., г.Алматы

Тасия Мейерхольд

Монитор гадкий – максимальная частота 85гц - слезятся глаза

Переводы – чтобы не протянуть ноги, а не для того, чтобы мне класть на них свою жизнь

Ссылка на стих «Благодарю, кто помогает»

Socialism is social state formation that is based on basic social & socialistic fundamentals – distribution of socialistic property,

Main socialistic principles:


Education for GRATIS

Medicine for GRATIS

Culture for GRATIS

Achievements and results of Science - for peoples, with correct authorship and author's citations (author’s copyrights = NOT TO STEAL!)

either on grants, subsidies, misanthrope activity of oligarchs, monopolists, etc. in relation to their clans and relatives.


Wise price policy, strong mechanisms of marketed prices' stabilization - price control and management for lowest prices,

Control under the price policy of the lowest prices (!) at Kazakh monopolists -

Nationalization of monopolistic property and its profit (for instance, regional "Energosbyt" N7 - his chief: an amoral Uzbekian, everytime he puts own extraprizes to electric bills).

That is the way to cope with the world economical crisis. The USA stays before economical (financial) collapse (especially they will preserve their positions after the American elections that will lead to additional problems (the Americans are too poor educated to look through years):

I know how to prevent most of cataclysms including natural ones. But after (during) my health (skeleton) recovery.


Dear Mr. A.!

I cannot do anything being at the very bottom of the pyramid!

 Partly, the Integration of states in the world has a sense if it is based only 

on the lowest price stabilization policy!

I see regularities as the biologist and Mathematician and I feel internal economical mechanisms in Europe and I* will be able to manage them but from the other end through socialistic fundamentals and explanation to the VIP most of them. I cannot do anything being at the very bottom of the pyramid!




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