Золотой граммофон

Gold GrammoPhone (tickets range ...)

 They come, say "Okh!", say "Akh!" and come back but WE LIVE HERE!


Master-Class Two: 

Development of Medicine in Kazakhstan

Lesson NN... Thema: "How state hospitals and social departments work in the southern capital (!) with extreme patients"

(scroll down)


Jura - the German Study tour

1.  weinen
плакать навзрыд — (laut) schluchzen vi
горько плакать — bitterlich weinen vi
2.  (по кому-л., по ком-л.) beweinen
vt, nachweinen vi (D), weinen vi (um)
       по нём тюрьма плачет — das Gefängnis wartet schon lange auf ihn
плакали денежки — das Geld ist flöten
хоть плачь! — es ist zum Heulen!





Development of free of charge [kostenloss] medicine in Almaty: People usually help each other

or Who will be guilty when the foot amputation question comes





Master-Class "Russians (s.l.) flats and houses - THE MAIN KAZAKH SONG of kazakhs in Kazakh Departments"



Mrs. Thomaso periodically needs in highly qualified medical aid






All websites have been either blocked or destroyed by webmasters, 

The notebook power workstation Celsius Mobile H with all documents, interviews, websites, photos, drama pieces, etc. was stolen in Russia - on the Russian territory...


Kazakh responsible authorities does not help people



Development of Medicine in Kazakhstan: Medical aid must be free of charge!

Социальная защита населения акиматом и работниками КСК 

Бостандыкского района г. Алматы, СНГ


Master-Class Two:

Золотой граммофон Gold GrammoPhone (tickets range ...)

 They come, say "Okh!", say "Akh!" and come back but WE LIVE HERE! 

And not everybody can get free of charge stomatological aid!


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