Improve my immunity and You will be the King, the German (Austrian) Emperior

Я сделаю тебя Королём


Albert v. Reuss, You will be the King of the German (Austrian) Imperia

Сценарий фильма. Краткое содержание

(scroll down)


Everybody dyes?

mit 'Automat Poupee'?

Большая, малая корона

  • (Cze. Ptáčník, Dut. de Vogelaar, Fr. l'Oiseleur, Ger. der Vogler, der Finkler, Hun. Madarász, It. l'Uccellatore, Lat. Auceps, Pol. Ptasznik, Sp. el Pajarero, Swe. Fågelfängaren):

    • "The Field Captain":

  • "The Franciscan":

    • Henry II of Reuss-Weida (d.c.1278)

      • "The Fox of Mecklenburg":

        • Albert II of Mecklenburg was regarded by the Swedes as a fox because of his intrigues and avarice. Albert was very active in his second son's successful efforts to become the Swedish King as Albert of Sweden. He also arranged for his eldest son, Henry III of Mecklenburg, to marry the eldest daughter and potential heiress of Waldemar IV of Denmark.

        • "The Fast Rider":

          • "The Forseer":

            • Henry V of Reuss (1583–1604)

            Henry I of Reuss (d.1572)

            Henry I of Reuss-OberGreiz (1647–1681)

Вл. Шилин


Кем? Королём кинематографа? Театра? Цирка? Искусств? Спорта? Науки? Звёздного неба? 

Everything what you do want?

"Воля к жизни"

Opera "Sofia Miloslavskaya"? 18.10.2007 премьера оперы "Чио-Чио-Сан" провалилась

Themes for development

options: Improve Her immunity and She will get he.

Improve Her immunity and She will get He.

Improve Her immunity and She will get them*.

Improve Her immunity and She will get the Planet.

If They do not present her their Love She will dye.

(=If They do not save Her She will dye)

Tchaikovsky & 2 Nadezhda v. Meck(ka)

Судьба опять стучится в дверь

Давайте петь и веселиться!

Everybody dyes?


* Худ. фильм "Воскресение" [Resurrection (=Resuscitation)] по Л.Н. Толстому по El-Arna на русском языке.


5 октября 2007г., г. Алматы

Тасия Мейерхольд

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