Alexander von HumBold(t)


HSH Johannes Prince von und zu Liechtenstein

Personal sabre. After his (tsar) travel trip to Zlatoust in 1829


Наставник принца Friedrich Wilhelm IV (1795-1861)

Viennese Congress. 1815. Picture.

[Alexander S(h)tackelberg with brother Wilhelm v.'Humboldt']

(?Foster)-Father (Sarepta/Stalingrad):

Mother (v.Liechtenstein):

Wife (v.Liechtenstein):

Sisters (Sarepta/Stalingrad):

Son: Frederik (1797- ), Felix (1800- )

Our relationships with Alexander v.Humboldt [via GeSchwester: Tiesenhauzen, Lermontoff/Olsoufieff und Stackelberg (=Steckenberg)]


Что я должна сокрыть? Скандалы?

Sarepta-1829. Alexander v. Humboldt, research trip,

incl. visitoship of a father & sisters (cited in the Letter addressed to Dr. Albert)


Royal German National Academy of Sciences

German Intellectual property. Subjection Structure


and My head

GeoKosmos Program-Jena Uni-Zeiss PlanetTherium

except of lazy Dutchmen?

deadline: December, 25, 2007

The Alexander v. Humboldt stipendiat

v. LeuchtenBergen

Educational Computer System in Kazakhstan

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